By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell This is the question I asked of an entire spectrum of people. Some I know, some I don’t. Some are female, some are male. Some are young…
BLOG: Moving Right Along
Thanksgiving’s Coming and I Need Your Recipes!
I need your help in the kitchen! By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell As Thanksgiving draws near, I am once again in search of recipes. To be specific, vegetarian appetizer recipes. There are…
When did Halloween Become So Gruesome?
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell WARNING: This blog post may be inappropriate for the squeamish. (Like me.) I would hate to think as I advance in age that I am becoming a…
Cupcake Wars: What Do They Do with those 1,000 Leftover Cupcakes?
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell At the end of a long day, I reward myself by plopping in front of the tube to binge watch Cupcake Wars on the Food Network. If…
His Name is Craig
by Tobi Schwartz-Cassell You may remember my last blog post about the man I kept meeting in the elevator where Stan and I now live. When I’d see this man, my…
What do People REALLY do in Elevators?
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell The question, “What do people really do in elevators?” is… A provocative question The headline of an award-winning brochure I wrote for a client several years ago…
In Desperation I Found my Answer
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell As many of you know, we moved about two weeks ago, so we’re still feeling our way around our new neighborhood and the surrounding area. That means…
My complicated relationship with the 4th of July
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell I love America with all my heart, and consider myself very patriotic. I am indebted to my grandparents who came and settled here because of the freedom…
7 More Things I Learned from Selling my Stuff on Facebook
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Just when I thought I’d learned everything I could possibly learn from selling my stuff on Facebook…I ended up learning more. To get you up to speed,…
What I Learned from Selling my Stuff on Facebook
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Like many Baby Boomers, Stan and I are finally able to downsize. We are truly blessed with two remarkable children, one of whom is a success and…
A Little Bit of Grace Goes a Long Way
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell At our April Franks & Beans Event, I had the opportunity to speak with two of our “regulars”—Megan Agnew and Claudia Cream. We chatted about how much…
Celebrating Tillie & Jack with a Cake and Orange Spaghetti
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Just a couple of months ago, on Jan 29, we got together for the Annual Cassell Family Hanukkah Party. Unconventional? Yes. But in our family it makes…
It’s Middle-Aged Ladies’ Day!
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Did you know that today is “Middle-Aged Ladies’ Day?” Well, it is! There is finally a day where we don’t have to be embarrassed by a little…
My Daughter Got a Tattoo and I’m Okay with it
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell In the Jewish community, tattoos are taboo. As a member of that community, I never understood why. After all, my father (the “Frank” of Franks & Beans)…
5 Food Trends for 2017
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Source for content and photos: Food Business News It’s a new year and everyone likes to eat, so let’s take a look at emerging culinary trends for…
Are You among the 15%?
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell My son Richard is all grown up. He’s got a career, an apartment in Brooklyn and a smart and beautiful girlfriend whom we love. Best of all,…
“Name the Model” Shopping Expo Contest!
These lovely ladies don’t have names, and they need them by our 2016 Women’s Shopping Expo on Nov 17! So as quickly as you can, please come up with names…
We all have a favorite. Who’s yours?
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Is it the sultry Carly Simon? The romantic yet environmentally responsible Joni Mitchell? Or the prolific and “how does she know what I’m thinking?” Carole King? Obviously,…
How I am Different from Many Other Women
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell I am different because I am colorblind. Only one in 200 women are. But that’s not all. It’s a family thing, so my sister and cousin are,…
A Closet Full of Clothes, But Nothing to Wear to Tomorrow’s Meeting
By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell Do you face this dilemma? Me, too! And we’re not alone. The average American woman has 103 items of clothing in her closet—more than enough to put…