By Tobi Schwartz-Cassell

In the 80s, on “Saturday Night Live,” Billy Crystal made famous this observation: “It’s not how you feel, it’s how you look, and you look “Mah-velous.”
Funny, right?
But Billy got it wrong. At least according to Becky Ready Ph.D. of the American Board of Professional Psychology. “Feeling younger than one’s biological age is sign of health,” says Dr. Ready in her July 9, 2018 article in Psychology Today. “And it predicts lower mortality, positive expectations, and better cognitive abilities. Thus, feeling younger means doing better.”
I sought out and read that article after asking my usual “Question of the Day” on Franks and Beans’ closed Facebook Group, South Jersey Girls Who Wanna Have Fun.
My question was, “How old do you feel? And if you’re okay with it, tell us how old you are.”
Never expecting women to actually give their ages, I was really surprised that they did! I am including their very inspiring comments, below, but am not using their names in order to preserve their anonymity.
So, how old do YOU feel?
I’m 52. Since I’ve never been this age before, I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like, so I have no complaints about feeling 52! I think how we feel is not so much a reflection of age but of attitude and life lived.
(NOTE: This respondent is referring to a project that she lovingly and successfully spearheaded to honor her deceased mother-in-law): I am 38, but after completing that Chemo Comfort Bag project yesterday, I feel like I’m 88. I’m not used to days and hours of physical labor.
53. And I love my age and I love life; it’s amazing. After yesterday, I am emotionally tired. But still, life is amazing.
I am 44 and feel 16!!!💕
I will be 62 next week and I feel like 31. I’m joyful, and forever learning!!
Depends on the day and circumstances.
It depends on the day, how I’m feeling and what I’m doing. Some days I feel like I’m 21, other days I feel like I’m 81. I’m actually 58.
I am 60 and some days I feel much older; when my knees and hips creak and my mind goes into CRS mode (Can’t Remember Shit). Then, blessedly, there are days when I feel like I am in my 20s, rambunctious and wild-woman-esque. Not that those two states are mutually exclusive.
Some days I feel 35, some days 70, LOL. I turn 50 this year.
I am 58 but age is a state of mind. 👍 Some days I feel older (depending on the weather), LOL😊
I’m 48. Mentally, I feel 28 and physically, I feel 88! I’ve had Arthritis since I was 8 in my right knee and now it’s in a lot more places.
I’m going to be 69 in March, and most days feel 40, if not younger! I consider myself very blessed. I had bariatric surgery almost 8 years ago, lost 145 pounds, and many health issues were resolved. I have a “New Lease” on life now.
46. I feel….46. LOL!
I’m 35. Mentally I feel my age but physically I feel 60 considering I’ve already had two spinal surgeries and have arthritis, LOL.
I feel great! I will be 53 in March. I survived two bouts of advanced stage ovarian cancer & beat the statistics & am still alive to tell about it!! Over 8 years in remission!! My daughter was 13 when I was first diagnosed in 2007 – I was determined to beat it! I have a strong faith in God & it wasn’t my time yet! This is why I love the song, “Live like you are dying.” I took trips & did things I never would have done had I not been faced with cancer! All we have is today, so make it the best day you can! Don’t waste the days worrying about the past or future! Stay in the moment!! God Bless Us All!! 🙏🏻💕
I feel fantastic. I’m in my 62nd year of life. Age is a state of mind and I feel different ages depending on who I’m with and what I’m doing. I’ve been diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease called PBC and not giving up any time soon. Don’t stop moving. Exercise daily. Feed your body only pure, unprocessed foods in moderate portions. Great question for SJ Girls!
I don’t feel a day over 50 and I am 72. I go to the gym every day, take spin, Pilates, QueenX and walk 3-5 miles a day. We travel, and we have been married 50 years. Where has the time gone? 😊
I’m 57, feel like I’m in my 30s, and will never “act my age” to make other people happy.
I was 65 in June. Still feel 50, Ha! I can still attend those Eagles games and cheer like a rock star. Go Birds! 🦅🦅🦅
This is a great question! I turn 58 on Jan 22nd. Somedays I feel great, like I’m 30 years old again. And then there are the days I feel mentally and physically much older. Those days are getting better, however.
I’m 61…never had aches or pains…except after weight lifting! It would be 3-4 days of sore muscles. Now that I’m using HGH gel, I’m only sore for maybe a day…face is looking younger, too!
l am 64, but feel 30 years younger. Thanks to beginning a regime of regularly working out about 20 years ago, l can do things physically that l couldn’t do in my 30s. I am on no prescription medication and except for carpal tunnel from decades on a computer, have no medical issues. I just wish my mirror would reflect what’s in my mind.
I’m about to be 51, and am always proud to admit it, as I’ve worked hard to look this good at my age. Healthy diet, yoga, a good attitude, and lots of moisturizer!
So how old are you? How old do you feel? Please comment below. But you don’t have to give your age if you don’t want to. 😊
50~ and I feel 30 most days thanks to the many blessings in my life, and like one of the other ladies said living for today, after all the past is gone… nothing you can do to change it~ future may or may not come worry won’t change that… live in the PRESENT it’s a GIFT .. GOD bless
Love your writings#
You are so kind, Kathy.
Thank you